About Me

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Elias. Welcome to my personal website 🎉

I am a passionate and experienced software developer with experience in building websites and mobile apps for big and small-sized businesses. I have been working on my skills since high school. I have been educated and trained in modern IT techniques.

I worked with a myriad of web and mobile technologies, and frameworks, and practiced both building apps from scratch and contributing to large pre-existing projects with legacy code.

Throughout my career, I have completed many mobile and web app projects across different verticals, ranging from big companies to startups. I always keep up with the latest news and developments in the web and mobile world through meetups and self-teaching.

Personal Info




Bacau, Romania



Senior Full-Stack Development Professional

EASYDO, Romania

2010 - 2014

Solo Web & Mobile Development Professional

Manufacturing Company, Romania

Working Skills

UI/UX Design60%
Web Development95%
Mobile App80%
Server Mangement55%
